Royal Wolf Trading Ltd (NSW)
Process analysis and improvement within operations supporting partner company's CRM / eCommerce implementation project
Partnering with lead supplier BAC Partners, as part of a program of CRM and e-commerce implementation, plus ERP integration, conducted process mapping to define the future, ‘To Be’ business processes for container returns handling / de-hire, damage management, and refurbishment processing.
• Critically analysed existing business processes covering container receiving, inspection, and return to service strategy at multiple locations
• Redefined the future, ‘To Be’ detailed processes, including the definition of processing scenarios and business rules, standardised for adoption at any location
• Worked with the systems integration team to ensure tight integration of the new operating processes with the requirements and capabilities of the new CRM / e-commerce solution, plus fit with the existing ERP functionality
• Assisted with internal communication and adoption of the new operating model.