Our Approach
One Size Does NOT Fit All
No single change management methodology fits every organisation, we take into account organisation culture, needs, and constraints, and apply the appropriate resources whom in turn use a set of practices, tools and techniques that can be adapted to a variety of situations. No matter how big or small the change, it is important to; • Start at the top • Involve every layer • Make the case for change • Create ownership • Communicate the message • Address culture explicitly • Prepare for the unexpected • Speak to the individual Our approach is designed to operationalise these points and make change a tangible reality in your organisation. We adopt a policy of working ‘with and through’ your staff members as opposed to ‘doing it to them’.
Change Management Structure
A key feature of successful change management is to separate out ‘Managing day to day operations’ from ‘Managing the change journey’ to reduce risk and increase the adoption of change. We’ve seen too many projects attempt to manage change as an agenda item entitled ‘change’ on a weekly operations meeting. The extensive nature of the change program requires a formal project governance structure to be implemented from the beginning of the project. Our change management structure is designed to operationalise the principles above and make change a tangible reality in any organisation. The final design of the structure and associated roles and responsibilities will vary between organisations. However, at the very least it will be quite separate from the day to day operations structure. And it is certainly not simply a competent Project Management Office (PMO).
Prioritise the solutions
This is typically a planning sub-Phase designed to categorise the initiatives identified into different categories of priority, effort (and therefore duration), style (eg Policy changes vs technology changes), and responsibility.
Implement Quick Wins Campaign
We have termed a ‘Quick Win’ as any change initiative which can be commenced and fully completed inside an elapsed 2 to 3 weeks. This does not mean that all identified Quick Wins will be completed inside 2 to 3 elapsed weeks; rather, the approximate duration for any single Quick Win is of this magnitude. The main reason for the Quick Wins campaign is the benefits of actioning change as early as possible. Often as the redesign stage of a project concludes, there is a high level of buy-in and anticipation by all employees and staff, who have committed time in workshops and emotional resource to the development of a future scenario. Things can appear to go quiet during the longer periods of ‘apparent inactivity’, as major change initiatives are planned, funded, sourced and commenced. The buy-in needs to be sustained, and Quick Wins are an effective vehicle for signalling that management are serious about making real improvements.
Commence Medium to Longer Term Initiatives
In this sub-Phase any bigger change initiatives, ie those not classified as Quick Wins, are further prioritised, planned and where appropriate, sub-projects commenced.
Conduct Post Implementation Review
In this sub-Phase we typically undertake an assessment of the recently implemented changes, also initiating any appropriate corrective action as required.
Achieving Sustainability
The key to sustainable change is allowing the individual the time needed to progress through 3 stages of change; • Stage One – Mechanical Compliance; staff are doing the things they have been asked to do, but its often too soon for them to appreciate the changes. A common attitude indicating this Stage might be “I don’t know why I’m supposed to do this. I’m doing it because I’ve been told to, and I don’t want to get into trouble for not following instructions” • Stage Two – Conceptual Understanding; staff are starting to see the bigger picture and perhaps even the benefits of doing things differently. A common attitude indicating this Stage might be “I’m beginning to see how by doing things in this new way it can improve the overall situation for me and for everyone who depends on me” • Stage Three – Ownership; staff have come to accept the new way of doing things at a reflex (unconscious) level. They would never dream of going back to the old ways. A common attitude indicating this Stage might be “I can’t perform my new Role without the new Process / System / Controls. Don’t anyone dare to take them away from me”.