NSW Department of Industry (Fisheries)
Operating Model and Business Process Redesign - Regulatory Reform Program
'Synoptic lead a 15-person cross-functional Departmental team to define future (‘To Be’) detailed business processes to support the reform-based Fisheries Industry Business Adjustment Program, specifically relating to the establishment of a Subsidised Shares Trading Market (SSTM).
• Publishing of an electronic, navigable reference model containing all (‘To Be’) business processes to support the Fisheries Business Adjustment Program (BAP), specifically those relating to the establishment of a Subsidised Shares Trading Market (SSTM).
• This model is designed to assist users in tracing the relationships between processes, roles & responsibilities, key documents/templates within a process, business rules governing processes, hand offs between other processes, and timelines for execution. It also facilitates communication between internal units, in support of the transformation of the Fisheries Industry in NSW during 2017 & 2018.