City of Melbourne
Customer Service and efficiency gap analysis within Engineering Services
Gap analysis within Engineering Services Branch, targeting increased Customer Service and efficiency, and embedding a continuous improvement culture across Civil Infrastructure, Traffic & Parking, Waste / Street cleaning, & Safety & Support services.
• Identified and prioritised all relevant processes in scope through a Process Inventory.
• Mapped the current (‘As Is’) business processes and systems in detail (sequence, roles and responsibilities, systems, business rules, key artefacts, etc)
• Critiqued ‘As Is’ processes to identify and define any ‘gaps’ (current vs. future requirements).
• Designed and map future (‘To Be’) processes, document high level Business Requirements to guide the changes, including the ‘Quick Wins’ that can be taken.
• Built an electronic Process Reference Model (PRF), a desktop-based, navigable resource for staff to locate information about their policies, processes, procedures, guidelines, forms and templates, in a more supportive and integrated way, thus better leveraging the existing EDMS.